Design of Database System of Heat Treatment about Quenching and Tempering for the Commonly Used Steels 常用钢的淬火回火热处理数据库系统设计
HT Sub-factory: complete process of annealing, quenching, tempering, quenching and tempering, solution treatment etc. 热处理厂:可完成退火,正火,回火,调质,固溶处理等工艺。
The fuel for quenching and tempering is the natural gas which comes from the west, so that we can get stable heating. 淬火、回火生产线热源使用的西气东输的天然气,加热质量稳定;
The quenching and tempering for large steel plate is a intractable problem as the large quenching distortion and difficult to control. 大型钢板调质是热处理行业中多年来难以控制变形、淬火变形大、十分棘手的难题之一。
Control of Distortion for Large and Thin Quenching and Tempering Steel Plate after Cold Pressing Quenching 大型薄形调质钢板热处理冷压淬火畸变控制
Test of Wear Resistance on Piston Rings Treated by Rare-earth Ion Carburizing after Quenching and Tempering 活塞环调质稀土离子渗氮处理耐磨性能试验
Development and Application of Numerical Simulation Computer System for Quenching and Tempering Steel Process 调质钢工艺数值模拟计算系统的开发及应用
Such as quenching and tempering treatment manufacturers want to make regular, and there is a written report. 如调质处理要到正规厂家做,并有书面报告。
Quenching and tempering heat treatment process for raw materials, temperature control, controlled atmosphere furnace, quenching medium, such as strict requirements. 调质热处理工艺对原材料、炉温控制、炉内气氛控制、淬火介质等都有严格的要求。
The cracks were found in H13 die steel after quenching and tempering treatment. 模具在淬、回火后发现有裂纹,对失效的模具进行了化学成分分析及金相检验。
The influences of quenching and tempering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of medium-carbon-low-alloy wear-resistant cast steel were investigated. 研究了淬火和回火温度对中碳低合金耐磨铸钢组织和力学性能的影响。
Quenching and tempering heat treatment are integrated in order to improve the mechanical properties of fasteners to meet the product requirements of tensile strength and yield ratio value. 热处理调质是为了提高紧固件的综合力学性能,满足产品规定的抗拉强度值和屈强比。
Heat treatment of steel as a whole generally are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering are four basic processes. 钢铁整体热处理大致有退火、正火、淬火和回火四种基本工艺。
The catenary suspension furnace for quenching and tempering of the crankshafts has been successfully developed, and thus main heat treatment equipment has been renewed. 研制了用于曲轴调质的悬链炉,从而更新了主要的热处理设备。
The PU 1 H 2S resistance stress corrosion of drilling matter steel is quenching and tempering condition. 研制的PU-1低合金高强度抗H2S应力腐蚀钻材用新钢种,调质态供货。
The distortion behavior of high alloyed cold work tool steel D2 during gas quenching and tempering was investigated. The steels were studied in casted, as well as casted and forged state with two different forging degrees. 分别使用铸造试样及两种不同锻造程度的锻件试样,对高合金冷作模具钢D2在气淬和回火过程中的畸变行为进行了研究。
Its CCT curve was determined by test. The influence of quenching and tempering temperature on the mechanical properties was also studied. 试验测定了该钢的CCT曲线,探讨了淬火和回火加热温度对该钢力学性能的影响。
The quenching and tempering and concentration of sludge are the key points in whole sludge treatment technology. 在整个排泥水处理工艺中,排泥水的调质和浓缩是关键。
These two wear fits are better produced by surface quenched grade C casting steel in normalization condition or surface quenched grade E casting steel in quenching and tempering condition and Bainite quenched spherical cast iron. 这两对磨擦副选用经表面淬火的正火态C级铸钢或经表面淬火的调质态E级铸钢和经过贝氏体淬火的球墨铸铁来制造。
By comparison with quenching and tempering steels the non-quenched-tempered steels not only decrease production cost but also can avoid deformation of parts by heat treatment and decrease deviation of mechanical properties. 与淬回火调质钢比较,空冷非调质钢不但能降低成本,而且可避免热处理所引起的零件变形,减少机械性能的偏差。
This paper studies the structures and properties of Fe-P-C sintered alloy after quenching and tempering in different temperatures. 本文研究了Fe-P-C三元系粉末合金经不同温度淬火及不同温度回火后的组织和性能。
The relationships between the chemical composition, Quenching and tempering temperature, microstructure, phase structure, mechanical property and abrasion resistance in medium chromium steel have been studied. 本文研究了中铬钢的化学成、分淬火温度、回火温度、显微组织、相结构与力学性能和耐磨性的关系。
This new tool utilizes the heat treatment technology integrating overall quenching and tempering with partial high frequency hardening of the gun body, quantitative grinding on the chamber of the gun after high frequency hardening, and shock absorption technology of "up-in""down-out". 该取心器采用了枪体整体调质处理与枪体局部高频淬火相结合的热处理技术、弹室壁高频淬火后定量研磨技术、上内下外的减震技术。
The changes of quenching and tempering hardness and the microstructure transformation of four kinds of Cr-W-Mo-V medium-alloy steels were investigated. 研究了4种不同成分的Cr-W-Mo-V中合金钢的淬火硬度、回火硬度变化和组织结构转变。
The influence of aluminium on the sine, morphology and distribution of carbonic compounds are studied in annealing, quenching and tempering. 研究铝对退火、淬火及回火态的碳化物颗粒大小形貌和分布影响,以及铝对淬、回火态的晶粒度、硬度、红硬性和高温拉伸强度及韧性的影响。